Automation solutions for all production sectors MenuFruit and vegetable sectorCitrus fruitOrangeMandarinLemonStone fruitNectarinePeachPlumTropical fruitPome fruitAppleMelon and watermelonGrapesRed fruitsVegetablesLettuceTomatoPepperCucumberBroccoli and cauliflowerCelery/leekCarrotsOthersMushroomsPotato CloseFoodOilDrinksMeat and PoultryConservesDairySnacksBakeryFresh-cutConvenience Food CloseNon-FoodPharmaceuticals, perfumery and cosmeticsCelluloseChemical products and detergentsPharmacyHardware Close Fruit and vegetable sector Mushrooms Potato Celery/leek Carrots Broccoli and cauliflower Pepper Cucumber Tomato Lettuce Red fruits, berries and strawberries Grapes Melon and watermelon Apple Tropical fruit Plum Peach Nectarine Lemon Mandarin Orange Food Convenience Food Fresh-cut Bakery Snacks Dairy Oil Drinks Conserves Meat and Poultry Non-Food Hardware Pharmacy Chemical products and detergents Cellulose Pharmaceuticals, perfumery and cosmetics